- 生防菌菌株C8-8biocontrol strain
- 營養對生防菌株BH_1芽孢產量的影響研究Nutrition requirements for spore formation by Bacillus licheniformis isolate BH_1
- 生防菌株biocontrol agents
- 木霉生防菌株Trichoderma harziaum
- 生防菌株S024biocontrol strain S 024
- 生防菌株PBW1strain PBW1
- 轉基因生防菌Transgenic biocontrol bacterial
- 變異菌株variant strain
- 標準菌株reference culture
- 松苗猝倒病不同病原物的致病性差異及其生防細菌的篩選Difference in Pathogenicity of Damping-off Pathogens for Pine Seedlings and Screening of Biocontrol Bacteria
- 菌株V23V23 strain
- 生防製劑bio-control agents
- 菌株VH3VH3 strain
- 生防木霉biocontrol agent
- Y23菌株Y23 strain
- 生防因手biocontrol agents
- 多菌株admixture strains
- 生防作用biocontrol effect
- 菌株S2bacillus S2
- 生防機理biocontrol mechanism