- 現場X熒光分析In-Situ XRF
- 現場X射線熒光檢測field X - ray fluorescence exploration
- 人肝癌及癌旁組織細胞胞質溶膠中金屬蛋白分佈的同步輻射X熒光分析研究Investigation of metalloproteins distributions in cytosol of hepatocellular carcinoma and its surrounding tissues by using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence
- 現場scene (FE)
- X熒光分析X fiuorescence analysis
- X熒光分析盧卡斯-圖思基體校正多功能軟體的編製和應用Compilation and Application of Multifunctional Lucas-Tooth Intensity Correction Software in EDXRF Spectrometer
- X熒光分析軟體software of XRFA
- X熒光X-Ray fluorescen
- 電熱型X熒光分析熔樣機的研製及性能測試A Bead Maker with Electro-Thermal Heating for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Its Performance
- X熒光儀X fluorescence instrument
- 以熒光分析法測定非木材纖維原料木素含量控制蒸煮程度Fluorescence Analysis of Non-wood Fiber Lignin in Black Liquors and Red Liquors
- X熒光譜X-Ray spectra
- X線熒光分析X-ray fluorescence analysis
- X熒光探針X fluorescence probe
- 熒光分析法fluorescence analysis
- X熒光測量XRF
- QGF熒光分析fluorescence analysis
- X熒光光譜X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
- 熒光分析物fluorescent analyte
- X熒光能譜Energy dispersive X-my spectra