- 鐵人賽兄弟>一書一編年體的方式記錄了一對生活在加拿大蒙特列爾地貧窮但是勤勞地猶太家庭地兄弟變革健美運動,並且對健身行業增添新的活力地歷程.Brothers of Iron,」 chronicles the life of how two young boys from a poor but hard-working Jewish family in Montreal, Canada, revolutionized the sport of bodybuilding and helped inspire the global physical fitness movement.
- 特列奇期Llandoverian
- 爾so
- 迦列賽、里佐拉蒂及佛格西都任教於義大利帕瑪大學;里佐拉蒂是該校神經科學系主任,佛格西及迦列賽則都是副教授。VITTORIO GALLESE, GIACOMO RIZZOLATTI and LEONARDO FOGASSI and work together at the University of Parma in Italy, where Rizzolatti is director of the neurosciences department and Fogassi and Gallese are associate professors.
- 斯特列耳比率Strehl ratio
- 特列賽爾tricel
- 波爾bohr
- 特急be specially urgent
- 首爾Seoul
- 賽況game situation
- 辯論賽debate competition
- 阿爾卑斯山Alps
- 特賣sell
- 新列newline
- 特洛伊Troy
- 瑞爾riel
- 特徵trait
- 德爾Dare
- 特異性specificity
- 拉賽爾取笑這位老太太是不適當的。It was out of place for Russel to laugh at the old lady.