- 澳大利亞T株Australia T strain
- T株tiny strain
- 支原體T株T-strain of mycoplasma
- 株(a measure word, use with plants)
- T株支原體Mycoplasma T strain
- 火雞網狀內皮腫瘤T株病毒Turkey strain T reticuloendothellosis oncovirus
- 從前英國的囚犯常被流放到澳大利亞。British prisoners used to be transported to Australia.
- 菌株bacterial strain
- 她的家人都在澳大利亞。All her people are in Australia.
- 火雞網狀內皮組織增生病T株病毒Turkey strain T reticuloendotheliosis virus
- 她是好多年以前移居澳大利亞的。She migrated to Australia years ago.
- 他是個移居澳大利亞的英國人。He is a British emigrant to Australia.
- 公主在澳大利亞引起了轟動。The princess made quite a splash in Australia.
- 毒株strain
- 許多澳大利亞人作為志願兵與盟軍一起戰鬥。Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.
- 採用分離毒雞胚組織滅活苗結合Aust T株滅活油乳苗有效地防治了該病。It was controled first with the inactivited chick embryo tissue culture vacine against the IBV isolation strain and then with the Oil Adjuvant inactivated vacine against the IBV Aust-T strain.
- 茄科的木本的澳大利亞屬。an Australian genus of woody plants of the family Urticaceae.
- 我對英國的冬天實在厭倦了,所以我已決定離開這裡去澳大利亞居住。I'm thoroughly tired of the British winters so I've decided to kick up my heels and go to live in Australia.
- 細胞株cell strain
- 澳大利亞抗原Australia antigen(AA)