- 難得的清新爽朗的空氣吹進了她的胸膛。Rare clean sweet air rushes into her grateful lungs.
- 清新(adj) fresh and clean
- 爽朗straightforward; bright and clear(明朗而爽快, 指天氣)
- 爽朗的chipper
- 早晨清新的空氣使我感到十分愉快。The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.
- 空氣清新劑air freshener
- 她爽朗地笑了起來。She gave a hearty laugh.
- 空氣清新with the pure and fresh air
- 深秋的天空異常爽朗。In late autumn the sky is crystal clear.
- 她爽朗地微笑了。She smiled brightly.
- 他以用字遣詞清新生動見長。His diction is noted for its freshness and vividness.
- 天氣爽朗。It is serene.
- 爽朗地freeheartedly
- 初秋的天氣格外明朗清新。It is bright and fresh in early autumn.
- 使清新Refresh
- 爽朗的人grig
- 笑聲爽朗burst out in peals of laughter
- 吸清新空氣?Scent the air?
- 純樸爽朗honest and frank
- 清新的風a brisk wind