- 淺酌have a little drink
- 低吟croon
- 淺shallow
- 卡祖笛一種當吹奏者向吹口處低吟或哼唱時一個膜能夠發出聲音的玩具樂器A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.
- 吟moan
- 低的low-lying
- 淺藍Cambridge blue
- 低成本low cost
- 酌consider
- 淺談brief talk
- 高低(adv) simply; just
- 淺灰色French grey
- 較低的lower
- 淺黃色buff
- 偏低on the low side
- 低端low end
- 淺藍色powder blue
- 較低lower
- 淺紫色lilac
- 超低ultralow