- 鹵salt
- 滷蛋spiced eggs
- 金鹵燈Metal halogen lamp
- 珍珠大都有柔和的白色或奶色光澤。Most pearls have a soft silvery-white or cream shine.
- 鹵鎢燈tungsten halide lamp
- 艾澤衝擊值izod value
- 涸澤無魚。An exsiccated swamp yields no fish.
- 鹵代烴halogenated hydrocarbon
- 埃德澤爾頁岩Edzell shales
- 打滷麵noodles served with thick gravy
- 士兵們在沿澤地上吃力地前進。The soldiers laboured their way with great difficulty on the marsh land.
- 滷汁thick gravy
- 特雷澤蓋承認他非常吃驚尤文能在本月從阿森納買來維埃拉。Juventus striker David Trezeguet admits he is surprised they were able to prise Patrick Vieira away from Arsenal this month.
- 鹵代halo
- 袍澤brothers in arms
- [醫] 澤漆Euphorbia helioscopia L.
- 鹵牛肉spiced beef
- 氨脈澤光譜分析儀ammonia-maserspectrum analyzer
- 鹵牛腩Marinated Beef Brisket in Spiced Sauce
- 澤地moorland