



  1. 他在地板上拉著沉重的箱子。
    He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.
  2. 他在抬沉重的傢具時扭傷了腰。
    He did his back in lifting heavy furniture.
  3. 沉重的腳步聲顯示教師已經走近了。
    Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach.
  4. 我們聽到了他走在樓梯上沉重的腳步聲。
    We heard his heavy tread on the staircase.
  5. 抬起這隻沉重的箱子要花費相當大的力氣。
    It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box.
  6. 那些奴隸艱難地把沉重的石塊拖上山。
    The slaves toiled up the hill pulling the heavy blocks.
  7. 如果你背那些沉重的桶,你的背會痛的。
    You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
  8. 旅行時帶著兩個孩子和一個沉重的手提箱,真是寸步難行。
    Travelling is difficult when you're encumbered with two small children and a heavy suitcase.
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