- 議案勉強通過了。The bill passed by a narrow squeak.
- 他在孩子們身上花錢毫不吝惜。He lavished money on his children without stint.
- 她靠教英文勉強維持生活。She was able to rub along by giving English lessons.
- 她對此毫不在乎。She did not care a pin about it.
- 他勉強鑽過狹窄的開口處。He scraped through the narrow opening.
- 他們對敵人毫不寬容。They have little mercy on their enemy.
- 奧利佛勉強通過了法語考試。Oliver squeaked through the French examination.
- 她毫不保留地告訴我有關這件事的一切。She told me all about it without reserve.
- 他勉強通過了數學考試。He shaved through the math exam.
- 他給我錢毫不吝惜。He gave me money without stint.
- 他的錢僅夠勉強維持生計。He has barely enough money to live on.
- 你毫不知羞恥!You're absolutely shameless!
- 湯姆考試勉強及格。Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.
- 毫不掩飾的厭惡unabashed disgust.
- 他勉強通過考試。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.
- 醫生給她清洗傷口時她毫不畏懼。She didn't flinch once when the doctor was cleaning the wound.
- 他勉強地表示許可。He gave his permission grudgingly.
- 她對由她所引起的糾紛毫不知曉She remained innocent of the complications she had caused.
- 他搜腸刮肚勉強寫了幾句詩。He managed to grind out a few lines.
- 他說什麼我毫不在乎。I don't care a damn what he says.