



  • - (步度; 腳步) pace; step:

    parade step; goose step; 正步

    in difficult pass; can not move a single step; 寸步難移

    - (階段) stage; step:

    getting harder and harder; become difficult step by step; 一步比一步難

    What's the next step [move] 下一步怎麼辦?

    - (地步; 境地) condition; situation; state:

    come to such a state 落到這一步

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bu Zhi 步騭

    - (同「埠」,用於地名) same as 「埠」,be used in a place name:

    Yanbu (in Guangdong Province) 鹽步

  • - (用腳走) go on foot; walk:

    walk into the assembly hall; 步入會場

    walk down the slope 步下山坡

    - (踩; 踏) tread:

    follow slavishly 亦步亦趨

    - (用腳步等量地) pace off:

    pace off a distance of 20 metres 步測20米的距離

  • - (舊制長度單位,一步等於五尺) an old unit for measurement of length, equivalent to five chi



  1. 我喜歡沿著海濱散步。
    I like to walk along the seashore.
  2. 想去毛毛雨里散會兒步嗎?
    Would you like to go for a walk in the drizzle?
  3. 我喜歡步行更甚於騎自行車。
    I prefer walking to cycling.
  4. 科學正在進步中。
    Science is on the march.
  5. 步行了四個小時以後,我們開始累了。
    After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.
  6. 你想去散散步嗎?
    Do you feel like a walk?
  7. 你想跟我去公園散步嗎?
    Do you feel like going out for a walk in the park with me?
  8. 爸爸媽媽去散步了。
    My father and mother went for a walk.


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