- 橫面QRS環transverse plane QRS loop
- 正常人額面QRS電軸的年齡趨勢以及對肢體導聯QRS波振幅的影響Age trend of the frontal QRS axis in a normal population and its effect on QRS-wave amplitude in the limb leads
- 中國人群額面QRS電軸的正常範圍Normal limits of the front QRS axis in a Chinese population
- 面side
- 橫面裂buccal hiatus; goniocheiloschisis
- 環loop
- 橫面軸transverse plane axes
- 橫面滑板cross slide
- 環比link relative ratio
- 圓環traffic circle
- 橫面骨折transverse facial fracture
- 環的annular
- 環氧epoxy
- 橫杠whiffletree
- 面膜facial mask
- 橫軸cross shaft
- 環氧乙烷epoxy ethane
- 義大利面pasta
- 橫的traverse
- 環己hexanaphthene