- 介紹了幾種當前先進的MEMS封裝技術:倒裝焊MEMS、多晶元 (MCP)和模塊式封裝(MOMEMS)。Additionally, several advanced packaging techniques for MEMS: flip chip for MEMS packaging,multichip package and module MEMS are introduced.
- 扭轉臂槓桿式MEMS膜開關的分析Analysis for MEMS membrane switch using torsion spring and leverage
- 模塊module
- MEMS封裝中真空封口及真空度檢測技術Study of vacuum packaging and vacuum level testing technologies of MEMS packaging
- 電容式MEMS開關capacitive MEMS switch
- 模塊式PL/1程序modular PL/1 program
- 摺疊彈簧式MEMS水平扭轉微鏡的設計與分析Design and analysis of a MEMS horizontal torsion micro mirror with folded springs
- MEMS封裝MEMS package
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- MEMS封裝技術及標準工藝研究Study on MEMS Packaging Technology and Its Standard Process
- 模塊化modularize
- MEMS封裝用氮化鋁共燒基板研究The Study of Aluminum Nitride Co-fire Ceramic Substrate for MEMS Package
- 間接加熱式MEMS微波功率感測器的模擬與設計Simulation and Study on Indirectly-heated MEMS Microwave Power Sensor
- 過去式preterite
- 功能模塊functional module
- 間接加熱終端式MEMS微波功率感測器的溫度模擬Thermal Simulation of the Indirectly-Heated Terminating Type MEMS Microwave Power Sensor
- 電源模塊power module
- 式的fashioned
- 移動式mobile