- 線棒材軋機wire and bar mill
- 轉差離合器應用於電動鏟運機的卷纜系統是一種新的嘗試。t is a new attempt that the slip clutch is used in the cable reeling system of electric?powered LHD.
- 風速控制系統wind speed control system
- 浸染機;浸軋機impregnating mangle
- 卷繞控制系統winding control system
- (道德方面)促進,提高,社會進步提高社會,道德和智力標準的努力或運動An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 四輥卷板機的數字控制Numerical Control of Four Rollers Plate Rewinder
- 線棒材wire and bar
- 粗軋機|中間軋機intermediate rolling mil
- 無線控制系統wireless control system
- "行了,別動,我們再照一張 ... ,這個樣子太棒了," 攝影師說。"That'll do. Hold it. Will have one more ... It looks smashing, " said the photographer.
- 線棒材生產wire and bar production
- 懸浮控制系統Suspension control system
- 冷連軋機動態過程的數值模擬Numerical Simulation to the Dynamic Process of the Cold Tandem Mill
- CB型冷芯盒射芯機的結構和特點the construction and Feature of Model CB Cold Box Core Shooter
- 臨床控制系統clinical control system
- (作武器用的)木棍土著作為武器投擲的重而直的棍或棒A heavy straight stick or club thrown as a weapon by aborigines.
- 超高壓純水射流除銹機的數值模擬Numerical simulation of superhigh pressure water jet in rust remover
- 根據參數生成數值柵格要素,它具有指定的範圍大小和數值,並輸入轉換流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 粗軋帶鋼液壓寬度控制系統模擬與試驗研究Numerical and Experimental Investigations into Hydraulic System for Width Control of Rough Rolling