- 桔梗皂甙Cplatycodoside C
- 轉化型桔梗皂甙transformed platycodon
- 轉化型桔梗皂甙抗IBDV、AIV和NDV的研究The antivirus effect of transformed platycodon on IBDV,AIV(H_9) and NDV
- 柴胡皂甙Csaikosaponin C
- 應用RP-HPLC法測定不同產地中桔梗皂甙DDetermination of Platycodin Dof Radix Platycodiin Different Places by RP- HPLC
- 刺楸皂甙Ckalopanoxsaponin C; kalopanoxsaponins C
- 桔梗皂苷Dplatycodin D
- 毛花甙Clanatoside C
- 桔梗皂苷Cplatycodoside C
- 豆汁霸王甙Czygophylloside C
- 桔梗皂甙platycodoside
- 毛花洋地黃甙Ccedilanid lanatoside C
- 桔梗皂甙元platycodigenin
- 去乙醯毛花甙CCedilanid-D; desace; desacetyl digilanide C
- 黃花夾竹桃次甙Cruvoside; thevenerline
- 人蔘皂甙對NGF引導的鼠胚脊髓神經節細胞軸突生長的影響The effect of ginsenosides on the axon growth of spinal ganglionic neurons induced by NGF
- 幾種人蔘皂甙對大鼠腎臟微粒體Na~+,K~+-ATP酶的抑制作用Inhibitory effects of some ginsenosides on rat kidney microsome Na~+,K~+-ATPase activity
- 人蔘二醇組皂甙對失血性休克犬血清5-HT的影響及對血小板的保護作用Effcts of the panaxadiol saponins on serum 5-HT and platelets in dog with hemorrhagic shock
- 細胞因子聯合人蔘皂甙及三氧化二砷誘導HL-60細胞向樹突狀細胞分化的實驗研究Ginseng Saponin and Arsenic Trioxide Combined With Cytokines Induce Dentritic Cells Differentiated from HL-60 Cell Line
- 皂甙saponin(e)