- 有理DP曲線rational Delgado-Pena (DP) curve
- 一根針和某些作家一般有一個頭,而且更尖銳(有理)。A pin have as much head as some author, and a good deal more point.
- 曲線(n) curved shape
- 有理Bezier曲線曲面的形狀控制及調整Shape Control and Modification of Rational Bezier Curve and Surface
- 不理refuse to acknowledge
- 理工science and engineering
- 副理assistant manager
- 掌聲停了是因為一條謹慎的似乎有理的條款引起的原因。The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.
- 有理插值曲線rational interpolation curves
- 這一理論貌似十分有理。Such a theory seems very plausible.
- 所以,吳作棟總理說得有理:你不講標準英語,外國人便聽不懂你的話。Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is,therefore,right: If you don't speak good English,foreigners would not be able to understand you.
- 似乎有理地with a show of reason
- 他的解釋似乎有理。His explanation sounds all right.
- 我承認你有理。I admit (that) you have a point.
- 有理Bézier曲線rational Bézier curve
- 你的解釋聽來有理,我認為可以相信。Your explanation sounds plausible; I think I believe it.
- 有理Bezier曲線rational Bezier curves
- 我僅僅昨天才開始新的工作,因此還沒有理出個頭緒。I only started my new job yesterday and I haven't yet had time to get my bearings.
- 有理二次樣條曲線curves of rational quadratic splines
- 這三個原則,換一句話來講,就是「有理」,「有利」,「有節」。In other words,the three principles are to fight "on just grounds","to our advantage" and "with restraint".