- 紅日西沉The red sun sank in the west
- 日已西斜。The sun declined toward the west.
- 日西貿易Japanese - Spanish trades
- 西west
- 江潭落月復西斜The moon declining over the pool will sink anon
- 聖維森特角巍巍然向西北隱沒,紅日西沉,如華嚴光輪,向卡通茲灣旋落Nobly, nobly Cape Saint Vincent to the North-west died away; \\\\Sunset ran, one glorious blood-red, reeking into Cadiz bay
- 江潭落月復西斜。Again in the west o'er the pool sheds the moon beam.
- 斜的skew
- 日劇Japanese TV play
- 斜杠slash
- 日中Japan-China
- 西的western
- 日的diurnal
- 偏斜deflexion
- 前日eve
- 西蘭花broccoli
- 斜齒輪bevel wheel
- 日產daily output; current yield
- 西米sago
- 背斜anticline