- 無O2訓練anaerobic training
- 有O2訓練aerobic training
- 無塵dustless
- 漫無目的flanerie
- 暗無天日(said of a nation, locality etc.) total absence of justice
- 職業訓練vocational training
- 每一個差異中無不包含矛盾。Each and every difference contains contradiction.
- 新兵在新兵訓練營接受訓練。New recruits are trained at the boot camp.
- 本無original non-being
- 引進了一種新的訓練方法。A new training method was introduced.
- 面無表情的glassy-eyed
- 士兵們訓練站得筆直。Soldiers are trained to stand erect.
- 無可替代can not be substituted
- 模擬訓練simulated training
- 六神無主in a state of utter stupefaction
- 他們正在為划船比賽接受訓練。They are training for the boat race.
- 無糖sugar-free
- 你的訓練使得你能夠勝任將來的工作。Your training will equip you for your future job.
- 愛無止境my heart will go on
- 她在聽力方面受過許多訓練。She had lots of drill in listening.