- 無none
- 無法unable
- 無標題no title
- 這位作者死後很多年,名字一直湮沒無聞。The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death.
- 無臭odourlessness
- 亞洲和歐洲部落處在這一時期的情況基本上已經湮沒無聞了。The condition of Asiatic and European tribes in this period is substantially lost.
- 無需dispense with
- 無人unmanned
- 無格式plain
- 無主dereliction
- 市場上有許多種處理屍體的無煙、無臭的焚屍爐出售。Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially.
- 無名nameless
- 無情pitiless
- 湮沒無聞的城市a lost city
- 無憂without cause for grief
- 無紡布non-woven fabrics
- 無限制limitless
- 無意義inanition
- 無止境know no measure
- 無幾very few