- 無逆Berlekamp演算法inversionless Berlekamp algorithm
- 無逆變器clustering methods of system
- 無逆參數設備[電] noninductive parametric device
- 高速Berlekamp-Massey演算法結構及電路實現High-speed architecture and implementation for Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
- 逆opposite
- 全無nil
- 逆變器inverter
- 演算法設計algorithm design
- 無紡nonwoven
- 逆頁序列印reverse print order
- 無界unbounded
- 本論文簡要介紹了RS碼的結構,分析了RS碼編解碼演算法,使用查表法實現快速的有限域運算,採用Berlekamp-Massey代數解碼演算法。In this paper, we simply introduce the RS code structure, analyze RS code encoding/decoding arithmetic, realize fast operation in finity field by using look-up tables method, and use Berlekamp-Messey algebiaic decoding algorithm.
- 逆變contravariance
- 沉默無語的shtoom
- 逆序negative sequence
- 無塵dustless
- 逆反ob-
- 不學無術be ignorant and incompetent
- 無障礙accessible
- 逆時inverse time