- 新城疫B_1株Newcastle disease B 1 strain
- 新城疫強毒河南株分離鑒定及新城疫二價油乳劑滅活苗研製Isolation and identification of highly virulent NDV in Henan and preparation of a divalent oil emulsion killed vaccine against ND
- 產蛋雞群非典型新城疫和傳染性喉氣管炎混合感染流行情況調查Investigation of Mixed-Infection with Antypical Newcastle Disease and Infectious Laryngotracheitis in Egglayer Flocks
- 新城疫病毒某水禽分離株經雞體傳代後由非致病型轉變為速髮型的研究Generation of Velogenic Newcastle Disease Viruses from a Nonpathogenic Waterfowl Isolate by Passaging in Chickens
- 新城疫病毒HN蛋白基因的克隆、序列分析、表達及其免疫原性研究Study on Cloning and Sequence Analysis and Expression of HN Protein Gene of NDV and Immunogenicity of Recombinant Protein
- 新城疫流行毒株epidemic NDV strain
- 新城疫ewcastle disease
- 鴿新城疫pigeon with Newcastle Disease
- 雞新城疫Newcastle disease
- 新城疫病毒Avian pneumo-encephalitis virus; Myxovirus multiforme; NDV; Newcastle disease virus
- 新城疫疫苗Newcastle disease vaccine
- 鵝源新城疫goose's Newcastle disease
- 新城疫抗體ND antibody
- 新城疫免疫ND immunity
- 鴨源新城疫NDV from duck
- 應用RT-PCR和病毒學方法診斷山東省雞新城疫感染的比較研究Differentiation of Virulent and Avirulent Strains of New Castle Disease Virus in Shandong Province by RT-PCR and Virology Method
- 新城疫病毒融合蛋白在轉基因水稻葉片中的表達及其免疫原性Expression and Immunization Testing of Fusion Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus in Leaf Tissue of Transgenic Rice
- 鴿新城疫的診治Diagnosis and Treatment on Newcastle Disease in Pigeon
- 雞新城疫的診治Diagnosis and treatment on newcastle disease
- 非典型新城疫atypical Newcastle disease