- 死搬教條slavishly follow dogma
- 硬搬教條的方法a rigidly doctrinal approach
- 搬出move out
- 教條(n) religious dogma
- 搬移flitting
- 搬到move
- 教條的dogmatic
- 房子原先的主人搬出去了。The original owner of the house moved out.
- 搬場remove furniture
- 他們幾乎都不接受這種教條。Nearly all of them kept aloof from such doctrines.
- 他想多了解有關神學上不拘泥教條的自由主義。He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology.
- 4個人費儘力氣才把那塊很重的岩石搬到合適的地方。It took four men to wrestle the heavy rock into place.
- 搬離move away from
- 信仰已僵化為不可更動的教條。Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.
- 死教條lifeless dogma
- 他們使勁把舊鋼琴搬出房間。They muscled the old piano out of the room.
- 不拘泥於教條的持有或發表寬容的見解,尤指在宗教問題上Holding or expressing broad or tolerant views, especially in religious matters.
- 他搬不動那塊大圓石。He was unable to budge the boulder.
- 伯麥的神秘主義神學教條影響了教友派。the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers.
- 學生們把幾張書桌搬到另外一間教室。Students removed several desks to another classroom.