- 擬Z-連續Domainquasi continuous Domain
- 擬連續DomainQuasicontinuous Domain
- 連續DomainContinuous Domain
- 准連續Domainprecontinuou domain
- 相通連續Domainconsistently connected continuous domains
- 曲線擬合curve fitting
- 擬人化personate
- Z向Z direction
- 連續Domain的基數函數與若干Domain範疇的笛卡爾閉性The Cardinal Functions On Continuous Domains And Some Cartesian Closed Subcategories Of SLP
- 擬制draw up
- 根據你的情況,我們擬予從寬處理In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
- 擬合曲線fitting curve
- 她已連續四年獲得一等獎。She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.
- 他連續三次上學遲到。He was late for school three times in succession.
- 擬方案lay a scheme
- 她連續患傷風。She had a succession of colds.
- 擬人的anthropopathic
- 動物常在童話中被擬人化。Animals are often personified in fairy tales.
- 該隊連續三次獲勝。The team notched up their third victory in a row.
- 時間過得真快,轉眼間你就將中學畢業,並擬於秋季進入州立大學了!How time flies! Here you are graduating from high school and planning to attend State University in the fall.