- Newton演算法Newton algorithm
- 擬Newton迭代Newton iteration
- 光滑化擬Newton法smoothing quasi-newton methods
- 改進Gauss-Newton演算法improved Gauss-Newton algorithm
- BFS秩2擬Newton方法rank - two BFS quasi Newton method
- 一種改進的快速LMS/Newton演算法及其在聲回波對消中的應用An Improved Fast LMS/Newton Algorithm for Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- 列修正擬Newton法在并行演算法中的應用One Application of Column Update Quasi-Newton Method in Parallel Algorithm
- 逆Broyden秩1擬Newton方法single rank inverse Broyden quasi Newton method
- 基於模擬退火的Gauss-Newton演算法神經網路在短期負荷預測中的應用Application of ANN to short-term power load forecasting basedon simulated annealing Gauss-Newton algorithm
- 擬南芥arabidopsis
- 曲線擬合curve fitting
- 演算法設計algorithm design
- 擬人化personate
- 演算法設計與分析The Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- 擬制draw up
- 根據你的情況,我們擬予從寬處理In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
- 擬合曲線fitting curve
- Newton-FOM演算法Newton-FOM algorithm
- Newton-PCG演算法Newton-PCG algorithm
- Newton-Raphson演算法Newton-Raphson algorithm