- (一)防護林: 以防護為主要目的的森林、林木和灌木叢,包括水源涵養林,水土保持林,防風固沙林,農田、牧場防護林,護岸林,護路林;Protection forests: forests, trees and bushes mainly aimed at protection, inclusive of water source storage forests, forests for water and soil conservation, wind protection and sand bind forests, forests for farmland and grassland protection, river bank protective belts and road protection belts;
- 護路林protective belt along a road
- 筍用竹護岸林shoot-used bamboo shelter-belt
- 鐵路護路林railroad protection forest
- 護堤護岸林木,不得任意砍伐。Protective trees along banks and embankments shall not be felled without authorization.
- 鐵路護路林土壤改良技術應用試驗初報Soil Amelioration Techniques for Railroad Protection Forest
- 長江護岸林歐美楊無性系混合造林研究Multi clone admixture planting of Carolina poplar in protective belt along the Changjiang River
- 寶中鐵路防沙護路林帶營造技術及效益分析Establishment Technology and Effect Analysis on Tree Belt for Controlling Moving Sand Along Baochong Railway
- 川江中下游護岸林淤沙能力評優估模型的研究Research on Evaluation Model for Riverbank Protection Forest Sand Accumulation along the Main Branches of Changjiang River in Sichuan Province
- 鐵路、公路的護路林和城鎮林木的更新採伐,由有關主管部門依照有關規定審核發放採伐許可證。For the reforestation-oriented cutting of protective forests alongside the railways and roads and in cities and townships,the competent authorities shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations.