- 這戲已演了十多場。This play has had a run of over ten performances.
- 開open
- 好在延安許多同志已有詳盡的文章,我的粗枝大葉的東西,就當作一番開台鑼鼓好了。Fortunately,there are many comrades in Yenan who have written at length in this field,so that my rough and ready words may serve the same purpose as the beating of the gongs before a theatrical performance.
- 台your
- 這戲已落幕,道別吧!The show is over,say good-bye.
- 戲play
- 已完成off the stocks
- 開關power switch
- 花開bloom
- 港台Hong Kong and Taiwan
- 開票make out an invoice
- 而這次成功的講座,更為我們鼓足了信心。微軟技術月,周周有好戲。乘著這次講座的東風,我們的戲已漸入高潮,而同學們,就請期待我們的演出吧。This successful lecture encouraged us. MS Tech Month puts on good fun for you every week. Our show will come into the climax soonly, and students, please expecting for our performance.
- 開車to drive a car
- 台帳machine account
- 吧台bar counter
- 開店set up shop
- 戲水paddle
- 開花abloom
- 已知known
- 收銀台the cashier's