
[yù hé]



  1. 傷口經過很長時間才癒合。
    The cut took a long time to close up.
  2. 傷口不久就癒合了,但卻留下了傷疤。
    The cut soon healed over/up, but it left a scar.
  3. 傷口慢慢癒合了。
    The wound was healing slowly.
  4. 傷口癒合得很慢。
    The wound healed slowly.
  5. 傷口漸漸癒合。
    The wound gradually scarred over.
  6. 傷口癒合得很快。
    The wound is healing fast.
  7. 藥物治療和休息會使你的傷口很快癒合。
    The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound.
  8. 傷口已不流膿,漸漸癒合了。
    The cut is no longer weeping and is starting to heal.
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