- 要想成為一名職業拳擊手,你得身強力壯。You have to be a tough customer to be a professional boxer.
- 別貶低她想成為一名女演員的努力。Don't disparage her attempts to become an actress.
- 他可以作為一名NBA先發控球後衛的身份,擁有一個不錯的職業生涯。He will likely have a fine career as a starting NBA point guard.
- 我想成為一名作家,使自己成名。I want to mane a name for myself as a wirter.
- 我確實很想成為一名芭蕾舞演員。I should really love to become a ballet dancer.
- 她想成為一名搖滾歌星。She wants to be a rock star.
- 我格外想成為一名工程師。I particularly wish to become an engineer.
- 彼得想成為一名大學生,但考試中他徹底失敗了。Peter wanted to be a college student, but in the examination he missed by a mile.
- 很想成為一名演員be affected with the wish to become an actor
- 他想成為一名實業家。He wants to become a businessman.
- 好,你是否想過成為一名新聞從業人員?Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist?
- 他想成為美國海軍陸戰隊的一名高級指揮官。He would like to be an officer of high rank at the US Marine corps.
- 想成為一名中醫Want to become a doctor of Chinese medicine
- 我想成為一名廚師。I want to be a chef.
- 你能想像他(你自己)成為一名演員時候的情形嗎?Can you imagine him (yourself) becoming famous as an actor?
- 我想成為一名漁夫。I want to be a fisherman.
- 帕特麗夏被好萊塢的魅力所吸引,想要成為一名演員。Patricia was lured by the glamour of Hollywood to become an actress.
- 想成為一名歷史老師Want to be a history teacher
- 她想成為一名畫家。She aims to be a painter.
- 他想成為一名政治家。He is going for a statesman