- 慘miserable
- 澹quiet
- 恬澹自甘To be calm and frugal willingly
- 慘事disaster
- 暗澹的matted
- 他在那打滑的人行道上跌得很慘。He took a nasty flop on that slippery sidewalk.
- 澹澹dancing gently
- 澹然cool
- 難民處境慘苦真叫我牽腸割肚。The plight of the refugees really wrung my heart.
- 澹泊自如To be frugal and contented
- 愁雲慘霧a distressing situation
- 澹泊without worldly desires
- 他們使我們隊輸得很慘。They gave our team quite a beating.
- 澹泊寧靜Simple Life and Peaceful Surroundings
- 慘炸ruthless bombing
- 排澹器dental pump
- 我好慘。I had a heck of a time.
- 澹泊自甘tranquil and satisfied
- 她失敗得很慘。She failed miserably.
- 澹泊明志live a simple life, showing one's true goal in life