- 懸鉤子皂苷R1Suavissimoside R1
- 三七皂苷R1notoginsenoside R1
- 二三七皂苷R1notoginsenoside R1
- 某些植物的莖懸鉤子、黑莓、某些玫瑰或類似植物的主莖The stem of a raspberry, blackberry, certain roses, or similar plants.
- 方法:以不同粉碎度的三七藥粉製備復方丹參片樣品,以三七皂苷R1、人蔘皂苷Rg1、人蔘皂苷Rb1含量為測定指標,以槳法測定藥物的體外累積溶出度。The paddle method was used,and the cumulative dissolution percentage of notoginsenoside R1,and ginsenoside Rg1,and ginsenoside Rb1 were determined by HPLC.
- 棱枝細瘦懸鉤子(R .macilentusCamb .var.angulatusDelav .)R. macilentus Camb. var. angulatus Delav.
- 懸鉤子raspberry
- 皂苷saponin(e)
- 通常指由單花的許多離生雌蕊形成的一簇或一組小型肉質果,如懸鉤子的簇生小堅果。Usually applied to a cluster or group of small fleshy fruits originating from a number of separate pistils in a single flower, as in the clustered drupelets of the raspberry.
- [醫] 懸鉤子Rubus palmatus Thunb.
- 脫乙醯殼多糖處理增加人蔘細胞皂苷的累積和皂苷合成關鍵酶基因的轉錄Chitosan Treatment Raises the Accumulation of Saponin and the Transcriptional Level of Genes Encoding the Key Enzymes of Saponin Synthesis in Cultured Panax ginseng Cells
- 蔓生懸鉤子trailing raspberry
- 人蔘皂苷Rg_3與TRAIL聯合應用對大腸癌細胞株HCE8693作用的實驗研究Tumor suppression activity of ginsenoside Rg3 combined with TRAIL gene on human colon cancer cell line HCE8693
- [醫] 懸鉤子屬Rubus L.
- 知母皂苷能夠顯著提高糖尿病小鼠糖耐量,降低實驗性糖尿病小鼠的空腹血糖。Otherwise, SAAB increased the glucose tolerance and reduced fasting blood glouse of diabetic mice induced by ALX significantly.
- [醫] 楔葉懸鉤子Rubus cuneifolius Pursh.
- 人蔘皂苷ginsenoside
- 懸鉤子甙rubusoside
- 黑莓;懸鉤子blackberries/raspberries
- 目的 研究三七皂苷 R1 (R1 )和人蔘皂苷 Rd(Rd)的活血化瘀作用 ,以證實二者為三七中的有效成分。Objective To assess the effects of R 1 and R d extracted from panax notoginseng saponins on the promotion of blood circulation and removal of blood stasis so as to prove they are the active principle of panax notoginseng.