- 我要考試了,所以尋找用英語網路上交流的朋友,有興趣的請加我QQ語聊I will have an examination, so look for the friend that exchanged in English network, the interested one please have a chat about my QQ language
- 在確認設置正確之後,您可以載入映像After you have verified that the settings are correct, you can load the image
- 您可以向我說明你們是怎樣計算的嗎?Could you tell me how you managed to add them up?
- 湯姆本周不能叄加我隊出賽,傷腦筋!It is awkward that Tom is unable to play on our team this week.
- 我想您可以和我們的一位經銷商聯絡。I think you might like to contact one of our distributors.
- 此外,還可以加上十字街頭那些多過絞刑架的飾有雕像的石十字架;Add the crosses of carved stone, more lavishly scattered through the squares than even the gibbets;
- 湯姆本周不能三加我隊出賽,傷腦筋!It is awkward that Tom is unable to play on our team this week.
- 好,您可以自己試試看。Yes. You can try it if you want.
- 很高興認識你:)如與興趣請加我MSN交流Nice to meet you:) Feel free to talk to me via MSN instant messenge.
- 您可以對那家公司提出起訴。You may as well bring an action against that company.
- 我們可以加床嗎?Could we get an extra bed?
- 如果我沒加你,請別和我說「謝謝你加我」!!!IF I DINT ADD YOU,PLEASE DUN SAY "TANX 4 ADDING"!!!
- 您可以乘北京到上海的列車。You may take the train from Beijing to Shanghai.
- 可以加單獨的移動的床位A separate full value extra bed
- 您可以為我留一張靠窗的桌子嗎?And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?
- 這項工作完成後,我們還可以加做一點兒。When the work is finished we should be able to spin off a few extras.
- 您可以通過替換You might accomplish this by replacing the
- 您可以坐5路公共汽車。You can take Bus 5.
- 意思是您可以檢查This means you will be able to review
- 創18:5我再拿一點餅來、們可以加添心力、后往前去、們既到僕人這裡來、當如此。And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant.