- 逍遙Peripateticism
- 逍遙的free
- 他快活地喋喋而言。He rattled away gaily.
- 她快活地向他微笑。She smiled sunnily at him.
- 那孩子快活地喋喋不休地說著。The child rattled away merrily.
- 逍遙清涼feel carefree, cool and refreshed
- 雷伊為人性格快活。Ray has a happy personality.
- 閑混一輩子;逍遙一生saunter through life
- 他過得快活嗎?Did he enjoy himself?
- 逍遙音樂會(部分聽眾在不設座位的場區站著欣賞音樂).promenade concert;(concert at which part of the audience is in an area without seats where they listen to the music standing up)
- 她有著快活的心情。She has a playful mood.
- 逍遙騎士Easy Rider - 1969
- 快活的孩子們在花園裡玩耍。The joyous children were playing in the garden.
- 逍遙散Ease Powder
- 他獨自一人時感到不快活。He was unhappy when alone.
- 逍遙型ambulatory form
- 過得好快活have a smooth time
- 逍遙學派Peripateticism
- 王子幸福快活地跳著舞。Gaily and happily the prince danced.
- 逍遙者escapist