- 心臟MRI圖像cardiac MRI image
- 基於橢圓約束分割心臟MRI圖像的水平集模型Level Set Model for Segmentation of Cardiac MRI Image Based on Ellipse Shape Restriction
- 信號和造影劑的空間分佈情況對心臟MRI定量分析的影響Effect of Signal Intensity and Contrast Distribution on Intensity-Time Curve in Cardiac MRI
- MRI圖像MRI image
- CT/MRI圖像融合CT/MRI image registration
- JPEG壓縮MRI圖像對其圖像邊緣的影響Effect of lossy JPEG compression on edge of MRI image
- 邊界跟蹤法在MRI圖像大腦實質提取中的應用Application of Edge Following in Extracting Brain Structures from MRI
- 血液經血管流入心臟。The affluence of blood to the heart through the blood vessels.
- 該病人接受了心臟移植。The patient had received a heart transplant.
- 心臟的跳動the beating of the heart
- 利用逆向迭代法修正MRI圖像中剛性運動偽影的研究Research of inverse iterative correction technique for rigid motion artifact of MRI
- 心臟使血液在全身循環。The heart circulates blood round the body.
- 今晚電視圖像不清晰。The television picture is fuzzy tonight.
- 心臟和水泵有相似之處。The heart is analogous to a pump.
- 酒刺激心臟的活動。Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.
- 放大物體圖像的光學儀器。an optical instrument that magnifies the image of an object.
- MRI表現Tomography
- 血流入心臟the affluence of blood to the heart
- 一連串靜止的圖像a series of static images
- 這位外科醫生的成功全靠那些發明新型心臟機器的默默無聞的實幹家。The surgeon's success depended on the boys in the backroom who had invented the new heart machine.