- 開場begin
- 清鑼鼓gong and drum ensemble
- 潮州鑼鼓Chaozhou wind and percussion ensemble
- 浙東鑼鼓East Zhejiang wind and percussion ensemble
- 開場舞entree
- 鑼鼓譜gong - drum tablature
- 開場的擊球或運動An opening play or move.
- 陽鑼鼓Yang Gongs
- 他們到劇院時,戲已經開場了。The play had already begun when they got to the theater.
- 鑼鼓歌Cong-drum ensemble
- 有開場前退票嗎?Has there been any last minute cancellation ?
- 鑼鼓節奏gong and drum rhythm
- 開場曲opening song
- 獅子鑼鼓"Lion Dance and Drum Music"
- 有開場前的退票嗎?Have there been any last minute cancellations?
- 鑼鼓雜戲misceUaneous percussion show
- 薅草鑼鼓Haocao gong and drum
- 他一開場便是老生常談。He preluded with some cliche.
- 絲弦鑼鼓the gongs and drums with silk edge
- 開場陣容starting-lineup