- 換言之,要正視現實。面對生活的挑戰,要老成持重,應付有方。In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges.
- 不過,他應付有方,已經研究出一套數學模型來解釋第二位數的分佈,將統計上的疑異置於更充裕的分析基礎上。However, he has managed to develop a mathematical model that explains the distribution of the second digits, putting what might appear to be a statistical oddity on a more solid footing.
- 應付cope
- 有方in the right way
- 應付票據notes payable
- 應付工資wages payable
- 應付帳款payable account
- 應付的payable
- 我們公司管理有方。Our company is under good direction.
- 馴悍有方Taming of the Shrew
- 應付款項payables
- 主任管理有方。The director administers quite effectively.
- 應付股利dividend declared
- 應付債券bonds payable
- 持有方holder
- 應付帳an account payable
- 調度有方be skillfully arranged; arrange and operate methodically; manage in the right way
- 領導有方exercise good leadership
- 應付金額sum payable
- 政府抑制通脹有方,此話不假,可是對失業問題又怎麼處理呢?This government has a good record on inflation,I give you that,but what is it doing about unemployment?