- 年青有為(有時用作反語)a young hopeful
- 大型油畫展的頻頻舉辦,推出了不少年青有為的油畫家。Many oil painting exhibitions were held, which helped introduce more young painters to the society.
- 不過,我們請來了一位年青有為的指揮,他會擔任今晚音樂會的指揮。謝謝大家。But we found a wonderful young conductor who will be handling the concert tonight, thank you very much.
- 年青youthful
- 他們聰明有為。They are intelligent and promising.
- 英俊有為brilliant and promising
- 聰明有為intelligent and promising
- 剛健有為courageous
- 這個年青的歌手一直渴望著能有機會聽到聽眾的歡呼聲。The young singer has been burning for a chance to hear the cheers of the crowds.
- 振作有為stimulate the mind to do sth.; be very capable; bestir oneself to be promising
- 問訊處的那位年青女性非常願意提供幫助。The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.
- 發奮有為with firm resolve to succeed; proving one's worth
- 仁慈的國王把兩個年青的軍官從死神手中救了出來。The merciful king saved the young officers from death.
- 康有為山水詩論略The general study of Kang Youwei's mountain and water poem
- 年青的youthful
- 我們發現這男孩聰明有為。We found much of intelligence and promise in the boy.
- 那位年青作家每年能趕寫出三四部新書。That young writer churns out about three to four new books every year.
- 年青的外科醫生為腎移植這一棘手的手術苦思冥想。The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant.
- 先秦道家君主論的發展:從無為無君到清靜有為Evolution of Taoist monarchic theory in the pre-Qin Dynasty: from letting things take their own course and needing no monarch to peaceful governance
- 這位年青選手由於刻苦訓練而在隊里取得了地位。The young player earned his place in the team by training hard.