- 帶控制律CTS試驗的實現The realization of CTS test with control law
- 小宛南山金礦是產於太古宙花崗岩-綠岩地體,受敦煌群D岩組上部層位和韌性剪切帶控制的變質熱液型金礦床。Xiaowannanshan gold deposit, controlled by ductile shear zones and higher horizon of D Rock-Formation of Donghuang Group, is a metamorphic-hydrothermal type, occurring in Achaean granitoid-greenstone terrain.
- "把雨衣帶好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什麼關係?我又不是紙做的。""Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 擴展實體聯繫圖的實現及應用The implement and application of the expanded EE-R diagrams description language and the expanded ER relation diagram
- (道德方面)促進,提高,社會進步提高社會,道德和智力標準的努力或運動An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 麯
- 微控制器的GPRS無線終端的實現the Realization of Wireless Terminal GPRS in Micro Controller Unit
- "你不能帶瑪麗去參加晚會,她是我的女朋友。" "是這麼回事嗎?""You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 高強鋼筋混凝土構件裂縫控制試驗研究及有限元分析Experimental Research and Finite Element Analysis of Crack Control for Concrete Member with High Strength Steel Bar
- 除非思維過程與目的的實現毫無關係;if thought processes were irrelevant to the achievement of purpose;
- 基於試驗的制冷機節流管沿程阻力係數的確定Determination Of Friction Factors Of The Caplillary Tube In Refrigerating Machines Based On Experiments
- 整組試驗whole experiment
- "我本以為你要去買東西呢?" "改變主意是女人的特權嘛。""I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 模型試驗的數值模擬--深圳大鹽共同溝安全研究Numerical simulation of model experiment--research into security of Shenzhen Dayan utility tunnel
- 雙乙太網技術在不同系統上的實現the Implementation of Dual Ethernet Technology on Deferent System
- 大型貯灰場的三維飽和-非飽和瞬變流數值模擬及非飽和參數試驗Numerical model of three dimensional saturated-unsaturated flow for a flyash lagoon of thermal power plant
- 利用APA對改性瀝青和SMA混合料疲勞試驗的研究Experimental Study of Fatigue Performance of Modified Asphalt and SMA Using APA
- 提交控制Submission control
- 基於平方律和階躍型纖芯折射率分佈下光纖模場半徑的數值分析Numerical analysis of the mode filed radius for the square law and step index fiber
- 全底泥微生物試驗whole sediment microbe test