- 對GSP修訂的幾點意見Some suggestions about GSP revises
- 對"職業健康監護管理辦法"附件修訂的幾點意見Suggestions on amendments of appendix of "Occupational Health Monitoring Control Measures"
- 搪玻璃設備卡子標準修訂的幾點意見Some Opinions for The Standard of Clip on Glass Lining Clamp Screw
- 對大慶油田進一步開展三次採油技術研究工作的幾點意見Suggestions on further study on EOR In Daqing oilfield
- "可是對你來說這是一樁大事啊。" "什麼大事不大事的!我擔心什麼?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 關於1號高爐噴煤設計的幾點意見Suggestions on the Pulverized Coal Injection Designment for Bao Steel BF Nol
- "你砸壞的鎖得花七鎊去換一個新的。" "去你媽的!" 我對他伸了伸兩個指頭說道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 根據原始稿本修訂的未竄改版本an incorrupt edition prepared from the original text
- 她演唱的幾支歌曲很受歡迎。Her numbers were well received.
- 竟然還有些人連對蓖麻籽油是輕瀉劑這麼清楚的事實也害怕表示自己的意見。There are men who would even be afraid to commit themselves on the doctrine that castor oil is a laxative.
- 其中幾點將在下一章作詳細闡述。Some of these points will be elaborated in the following chapter.
- 邁開最初的幾步;開始時打算;本來想要Take the first steps; intend when starting
- 轉子在許多脊椎動物的股骨上部生出的幾個粗硬的突出和其中的任何一個Any of several bony processes on the upper part of the femur of many vertebrates.
- 供熱管道系統採用ZLRJ-C型系列智能彎管流量計幾點體會On Using the Intelligent Elbow Flow-meter of ZLRJ-C in the System of Supplying Heat
- 意見分歧使該黨分裂為對立的幾派。Disagreements split the party into rival factions.
- 請問,現在幾點?Do you have the time, please?
- 這是個描寫間諜的故事。故事中的幾個間諜試圖竊取原子彈的秘密。It was a cloak and dagger story about some spies who tried to steal atomic secrets.
- 對犯罪心理畫像幾點模糊認識的辨析Distinguishing Analysis of Several Confused Ideas on Psychological Pictures of Crime
- 晚安,請問現在幾點了?Good evening. Have you the time please?
- 我對她的感覺因為最近發生的幾件事而改變了。My feelings for her have been distorted by these recent events.