- 對某人進行X光透視put sb.under the X ray
- 對某人進行X射線透視put sb. under X-ray
- 由於犯罪而對某人進行的身體上的傷害the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime
- 由於犯罪而對某人進行的身體上的傷害。the infliction of physical injury on someone convicted of committing a crime.
- 透視投影器|X光檢查裝置panoramic projector
- 給某物或某人拍攝X光片。take an x-ray of something or somebody.
- 開某人玩笑對某人搞惡作劇/作弄某人play a joke/prank/trick (on sb)
- X光激光實驗研究進展Experimental Investigations on X-ray Lasers
- 對某人的憤怒indignation with(against)sb.
- 中國第一台X光診斷機的引進The importation of the first X-ray diagnostic machine in China
- (對某人)恐嚇make/utter threats (against sb)
- 網球比賽一方由一個人進行。tennis played with one person on each side.
- 對某事的憤怒indignation at (against,over) sth.
- 網球比賽由一方兩個人進行。tennis played with two players on each side.
- 基於投影的X光圖像分割區域數量判定Determining the Number of Regions for X-ray Image Segmentation by Using Image Projection
- (對某事的)詳盡的報道。Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative.
- 把贓物栽給某人plant stolen goods on sb
- 因鐳或其它放射性物質或X光而引起的病理表現pathological manifestations due to radium or other radioactive substances or X-rays
- 法律並不做詳盡規定,而委諸善良之人進行判斷。The law does not define exactly, but trusts in the judgement of a good man.