- 完全不透X線性high radiopacity
- 完全不透X線性,高密度high radiopacity
- 非吸收性不透X線造影劑,非吸收性陽性造影劑nonabsorbable radiopaque medium
- 完全whole
- 不漂亮的小孩;這些建築中有幾座完全不漂亮;臉上長著雀斑的、不漂亮的女孩。a homely child; several of the buildings were downright homely; a plain girl with a freckled face.
- 監獄里不透光的窗戶;X光不能穿透的。opaque windows of the jail; opaque to X-rays.
- 不透X線性radiopacity
- 我們覺得他的請求完全不適宜,拒絕接受。We hurled out their request as being completely unsuitable.
- 不透X線染料radiopaque dye
- 他完全不知兒子所有學科考試不合格。He knows zilch about the fact that his son has been failing all his classes.
- 不透X線橡膠X-ray rubber
- 我在美國的工作經驗很豐富,但是我在中國就完全不一樣了。I have a lot of work experience in America, but working in China is a whole new ballgame.
- 不透X光的輸尿管導管catheter for x-ray, ureteral
- 這費用似乎和預期目的完全不相稱。The outlay seems to bear no relation to the object aimed at.
- 不透X線造影劑,陽性造影劑radiopaque contrast medium
- 在這樣的交互中,強迫用戶進行與工作無關的窗口管理任務完全不合理。It is completely unreasonable to force the user to add nonproductive window-management tasks to this interaction.
- 低不透X線性low radiopacity
- 目中無人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.
- 那些老人完全不適於這競爭的世界。Those old people are simply not suited to the competitive world.
- 不透X線的radiopaque