- 子宮動脈RIResistance index of uterine artery
- 子宮動脈鉗uterine artery forceps
- 子宮uterus
- 子宮良性病變保留子宮內膜和子宮動脈上行支的術式探討Exploration of new operative type of uterine benign disease to preserve the endometrium and ascending uterine arteries
- 子宮肌瘤hysteromyoma
- 頸動脈carotid
- 子宮內膜endometrium
- 子宮頸cervix
- 超聲對子宮動脈栓塞術治療子宮肌瘤伴肌腺症的療效評價Values of ultrasound in assessing uterine arterial embolization for the treatment of uterine adenomyosis and leiomyoma
- 子宮動脈uterine artery
- 超低壓間歇性栓塞法預防和控制子宮動脈栓塞術過程中的疼痛Using intermittent injection with super-low pressure to prevent and control the pain during uterine artery embolization
- 子宮動脈阻斷Uterine arterial blocking
- 子宮動脈化療Uterine artery chemotherapy
- 子宮中動脈mid-uterine artery
- 子宮后動脈arteria uterina caudalis
- 子宮動脈灌注Uterine artery perfusion
- 子宮卵巢動脈utero overian artery
- 子宮動脈評分Uterine artery score
- 子宮動脈縫扎Uterine artery transfixion
- 子宮動脈損傷Injury of uterine artery