- 太歲頭上動土。Beard the lion in his den.
- 太歲頭上動土,好大的膽Digging clay near Taisui/Being reckless
- 在波士頓攻擊這位候選人,真好比是在太歲頭上動土。Attacking this candidate in Boston is like bearding the lion in his den.
- 沒有人敢太歲頭上動土,告訴經理我們大家對他的意見。Nobody has the courage to beard the manager in his den and tell him what we all think of him.
- 過去的「三反」,肅反,思想改造,豈有此理! 太歲頭上動土!The movement against the "three evils", the elimination of counter-revolutionaries and the ideological remoulding in past years -- how outrageous and what impudence!
- 上動細砂質石磨over-driven buhrstone mill
- 上動型顎式破碎機Dodge breaker
- 老虎頭上捉虱;太歲頭上動土。Beard the lion in his den.
- 她那可愛的薔薇葉的嘴唇瞧不起地朝上動了一下。Her dainty rose-leaf lips curled in pretty disdain.
- 5例患者可見下腔靜脈、腸系膜上動靜脈、脾動靜脈受侵。The inferior vena cana and the superior mesenteric artery and veinwere invaded by the carcinoma in 5 cases.
- 敢在太歲頭上動土dare to leap on an earth god's head top make trouble; provoke sb. far superior in power
- 16層螺旋CT腸系膜上動、靜脈成像診斷小腸扭轉的前瞻性研究Prospective Study of CT Angiography of Superior Mesenteric Artery and Vein Using 16-slice Helical CT in Diagnosing Small Bowel Volvulus
- 明天我要到太歲頭上動土,我要直率地質問我的上司為什麼還不給我增加薪水。I'm going to beard the lion in his den tomorrow asking my boss why he has not increased my salary.
- 她心神不定地在椅子上動了一下,發現斯蒂芬用銳利的眼光看著她。She shifted restlessly in her chair, and caught Stephen observing her with a shrewd eye.
- 太歲頭上動土provoke sb. far superior in power or strength
- 跌落的瓶子砸在他的頭上。The falling bottle knocked him on the head.
- 在太歲頭上動土provoke sb. far superior in power or strength
- 老虎頭上捉虱;太歲頭上動土。Beard the lion in his den.
- 他把帽子歪戴在頭上。He wears his hat on the skew.
- 他的頭上纏著花環。A garland of flowers had been wreathed round his head.