- 天然狀態T細胞naive T cell
- 丙類電子管工作狀態Tclass C valve operation
- 紫膠從嫩枝上刮下后變乾的天然狀態。lac in its natural state as scraped off twigs and dried.
- 天然狀態native state
- 天然狀態外ex situ
- T細胞活化T cell activation
- 金屬的天然狀態native state of metals
- T細胞無能T cell anergy
- T細胞去除T cell depletion
- 原始林天然狀態的樹林或林區a forest or wooded area in its natural state
- T細胞應答T cell response
- 鱗狀細胞癌squamous cell carcinoma
- 天然林,原始林天然狀態的樹林或林區A forest or wooded area in its natural state.
- 瘤細胞oncocyte
- 運動狀態kinestate
- T細胞疫苗T cell vaccination
- (吸毒后)處於飄飄然狀態的stoned
- G細胞G cell
- I細胞I cell
- 臨界狀態critical state