- 大量劑MTX化療hlgh-dose MTX chemotherapy
- 表面活性劑surface active agent
- 阻燃劑flame retardant
- 粘結劑caking agent
- 他有大量的錢。He has a mint of money.
- 安慰劑placebo
- 我作了大量筆記。I took voluminous notes.
- 注射劑injection
- 理療和化療交替進行。Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
- 他們收集了大量的各種魚類。They have a large collection of fishes.
- 促進劑accelerant
- MTX和米非司酮治療異位妊娠的探討Probe on MTX and Mifepristone Curing Ectopic Pregnancy
- 乳化劑emulsifier
- 該圖書館藏有大量可供參考的原始資料。The library has quantities of reference sources.
- 第2組(MTX組):單次肌注50mg/m2。the sec-ond group:MTX group:once inject 50mg.
- 發泡劑vesicant
- 硫在火山地區大量存在。Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions.
- 這一岩層中有大量燧石.This layer of rock contains a lot of flint.
- 增塑劑plasticiser