- 出血性大腸桿菌O157EHEC O157
- 腸出血性大腸桿菌O157EHEC O157
- O157:H7大腸桿菌E. coli O157:H7
- 大腸桿菌O157Escherichia coli O157
- O157大腸桿菌E.coli 0157
- 大腸埃希氏菌, 大腸桿菌Escherichia coli
- 廈門市O157:H7腸出血性大腸埃希氏菌調查分析An Investigation to O157:H7 in Xiamen City
- 大腸桿菌含量level of Escherichia coli
- 大腸桿菌PGDH末端缺失突變體的構建及抗反饋抑制效應分析Construction and Characterization of E. Coli PGDH Mutants with Feedback-inhibition Resistance
- 商丘市、濟源市腹瀉患者、家禽、家畜糞便中E.coli O157:H7的鑒定Study on E.coli O157:H7 strains isolated from feces of patients with diarrhea, domestic animals and poultry in Shangqiu and Jiyuan Cities
- 鴨大腸桿菌pathogenic Escherichia coli from duck
- 禽大腸桿菌APEC
- 檢測腸出血性大腸埃希菌O157:H7及其它產志賀毒素大腸埃希菌的一種新的DNA擴增技術A Novel DNA Amplification Method for Detection of Enterohemorrhagic E.coli O157: H7 and Other Shiga Toxin-Producing E.coli
- 大腸桿菌K12E. Coli K12
- 大腸桿菌O85E. coli O85
- 5株O157:H7菌株中,4株帶有SLT2、eae和H ly 3種毒力基因,1株帶有SLT1、SLT2、eae和H ly 4種毒力基因。For 5 strains,SLT1,SLT2,eaeA and lily toxic genes were detected,4 strains carried SLT2,eae and Hly genes,1 strain carried SLT1,SLT2,eae and Hly genes.
- F18大腸桿菌Escherichia coli F18
- Coli O157:H7 和沙門氏菌,擴展了表面等離子體共振(SPR)生物感測器對微生物的檢測限,並實現了快速檢測。General research can only reach the detection limit of 106 cfu/ml. Medina et al used SPR-immunochemical methods to detect E. Coli O157:H7.The direct detection of bacteria cells provided low responses.