- 大氣CO2升高elevated atmospheric CO2
- CO2升高Elevated CO2
- 大氣CO2濃度升高elevated CO2
- 大氣CO2Atmospheric CO2
- 古大氣CO2paleoatmospheric CO2
- 大氣CO2含量升高elevated atmospheric CO2
- 大氣CO2倍增elevated atmospheric CO2
- 大氣CO2濃度atmospheric CO2 concentration
- 我們看著飛機逐漸升高。We watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.
- 大氣CO2本底濃度atomospheric CO2 background concentration
- 他的威望升高了。His prestige rose.
- 下冰雹是一種大氣現象。Hail is a meteoric phenomenon.
- 南非求變的壓力升高,白人的敵意也加深。White backlash increases as the pressure for change in South Africa mounts.
- 大氣CO2濃度增加elevated atmospheric C02 concentration
- 植物對大氣污染的敏感性sensitivity of plants towards atmospheric pollution
- 你考慮膽固醇會升高嗎?Would you expect the cholesterol to be elevated?
- 那爆炸猛烈地攪亂了大氣。The explosion stirred the atmosphere tempestuously.
- 活動穀倉一個配有升高或排出穀物裝置的穀倉A granary equipped with devices for hoisting and discharging grain.
- 大氣道Tracheobronchus
- 水一開始沸騰,溫度就不再升高。Once water begins to boil,its temperature no longer rises.