- 多RBF神經網路multiple RBF neural network
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- 文章通過構建RBF神經網路,對含水率進行預測,提高了含水率測量精度。The paper establishes RBF neural network to predict water holdup, and the measurement precision can be improved.
- 多multi-
- RBF神經網路整定的模糊控制在二次調節控制系統中的應用The Application of the Fuzzy Controller Rectified by RBF Neuro-Network in the Hydraulic Control System with Secondary Unit
- RBF神經網路在可轉位三維槽型刀片斷屑範圍預測中的應用Prediction of the Breaking Area of 3-D Chip Former Using RBF Neural Networks
- RBF神經網路RBF neural network
- 基於遺傳演算法的RBF神經網路在熱敏電阻溫度感測器非線性補償中的應用A New Approach to Non-Linearity Compensation of Thermistor Temperature Transducer Based on Genetic Algorithm and RBF Neural Network
- 通過對已有的神經網路控制方案進行分析比較,得出採用RBF神經網路的結論。Furthermore, the author analyzes these neural networks that have been used in control area respectively and get the result that RBF neural network is a very good choice for AFR control of gasoline engine.
- 梯度RBF神經網路gradient RBF network
- 灰色RBF神經網路grey RBF neural network
- 基於主元分析的RBF神經網路多模型切換控制RBF neural network multiple model switching control based on principal component analysis
- 軍用飛機採購價格的RBF神經網路預測RBF Network Prediction of Military Aircraft Acquisition Cost
- 基於菌群RBF神經網路的股票價格預測Stock Price Forecast Based on Bacterial Colony RBF Neural Network
- 基於RBF神經網路的制絲生產線模擬模型The Simulative Model of the Tobacco Strips Product Line Based on RBF NN
- 基於RBF神經網路的交叉檢驗圖像降噪方法Image Denoising Using Cross-Validation Method with RBF Network Representation
- RBF神經網路在基本建設投資預測中的應用Application of RBF Neural Network in the Prediction of the Capital Construction Investment
- 動態RBF神經網路Dynamic RBF neural network
- RBF神經網路及其在液化氣生產數據預測中的應用RBF Neural Network and Its Application in Predication Soft Measurement of LPG Procreative Data
- RBF神經網路模型RBF NN model