- 聲光調Q光纖激光器AOM Q-switched fiber laser
- 提高聲光調Q光纖激光器輸出功率的關鍵因素分析Critical Characteristics of Increasing the Output Power of AOM Q-switched Fiber Laser
- 複合單晶被動調Q光纖激光器的製備與數值模擬Fabrication and numerical simulation of passively Q-switched laser with composite crystal fiber
- 利用雙包層光纖中的受激布里淵散射和聲光調Q器件 ,對摻Yb3 + 雙包層光纖激光器進行了混合調Q的實驗研究 .Hybrid Q-switched Yb 3+ doped double clad fiber laser was studied using AOM and SBS of double clad fiber.
- 聲光調QA-O Q-switch
- 調Q光纖激光器Q-switched fiber laser
- 這個損耗比較大,可能是由於聲光調Q器件的布拉格角調整的不準確造成。The loss was caused by Prague angle unmatching .
- 月經不調irregular menstruation
- 半導體激光器是一種使用半導體的特殊種類的固體激光器。A semi-conductor laser is a special type of solid laser that uses a semi-conductor.
- 聲光調QDPL中聲光衍射效率特性的研究Study on the Characteristics of the Diffraction Efficiency in A-O Q-switched DPL
- 半導體激光器semiconductor laser
- 阿Q正傳The True Story of Ah Q
- 主動鎖模光纖激光器有理數諧波鎖模與重複頻率的分頻現象Dimidiate Frequency Phenominon and Rational Harmonic Mode-locked in an Active Mode-locking Fiber Laser
- 聲光調QDPL激光脈衝信號中高頻雜訊研究Research on High Frequency Noise in Laser Pulse Signal of Q-switched DPL
- 演奏前他先將小提琴調音。He tuned his violin before he started playing.
- 調峰peak regulation
- SOA反射率對諧波鎖模光纖激光器的影響The influence of residual facet reflectivity of SOA on the output pulse of harmonic mode-locked fiber ring laser
- 這一裝置調準了The device is in tram.
- 光纖布喇格光柵激光器Fiber Bragg Grating Laser
- 戰後,他被調到外交部工作。After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.