- 堪任重職be adequate for an important post
- 堪任此職be worthy to fill a post; be suitable for appointment to a post
- 堪endure
- 升任preferment
- 堪薩斯Kansas
- 後任successor
- 時任former
- 情何以堪unbearable
- 任一個anyone
- 堪憂cause anxiety
- 選任empanel
- 堪輿geomantic omen
- 任人let people
- 前任總統ex-president
- 我們當時呆在堪薩斯的東南部。We were staying in southeastern Kansas.
- 適任eligibility
- 堪薩斯人,堪薩斯居民A native or resident of Kansas.
- 任達unconventional and unrestrained
- 阿斯堪Ascham
- 任重accepting a heavy burden