- 型5組;B型10組;C型7組Model A5 sets; Model B10 sets; Model C7 sets
- 病理組識型:紡綞A型1例,紡綞B型1例,類上皮型10例,混合型7例。Histology showed 1 case of spindle cell type A, 1 of spindle cell B, 10 of epithelioid cell and 7 cases of mixed cell type.
- 按WHO胸腺瘤分類方法分為(1) A型7例,(2) AB型16例,(3)B1型33例,(4) B2型24例,(5) B3型10例,(5) C型5例。In WHO classification, there were 7 cases of type A, 16 cases of type AB, 33 cases of type B1, 24 cases of type B2, 10 cases of type B3 and 5 cases of type C.
- 正常對照組ACE基因型分佈為DD型10.0%,II型47.5%,ID型42.5%;In the control group t the distribution of the DD, II and ID genotypes of the ACE gene is 10. 0%25,47. 5%25 and 42. 5%25;
- 14例TAPVC中,心上型5例,心內型6例,心下型1例,混合型2例。Fourteen patients included 5 of supracar diac type,6 of cardiac type,1 of infracardiac type and 2 of mixed type.
- Ⅱb型寶石級金剛石Ⅱ b type gem grade diamond
- 按學生成績分組根據能力、成績或需要將學生分成幾個學習進程組The placing of students in any of several courses of study according to ability, achievement, or needs.
- 運動型motile
- 北京奧組委BOCOG; Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
- 基於Euler方程的B型和C型嗡鳴特性數值研究Numerical analysis for B-type buzz and C-type buzz basing on Euler codes
- 將40隻斷乳的WKA系雄性健康大鼠,隨機分成5組,其中3組分別畏以含鋅6、15和24ppm的合成飼料8周,不鏽鋼單籠飼養。Fourty weanling male WKA rats were rand- omly divided into five groups and the three gro- ups were given the diet contained 6, 15 and 24ppm zinc respectively for 8 weeks.
- 該足球隊被降格編入乙組。The football team was relegated to the second division.
- 論述式題型essay type test item
- B型超聲波掃描B-scan
- 維修組明天修理你們車間的機器。The maintenance crew will make repairs to machines in your workshop tomorrow.
- 10是5的倍數。10 is a multiple of 5.
- 早晨星組morning group
- 增強型enhonced mosaic
- 山羊B組輪狀病毒KB-63株動物感染實驗Experiment in Infection of Animals with Kid Group B Rotavirus KB-63 Strain
- 學習型learning-oriented