- 在ZZ中創建新的文件夾Create New Folder in ZZ
- usp_sysprocesses託管存儲過程在新的資料庫中創建,並使用證書進行簽名。The usp_sysprocesses managed stored procedure is created in the new database and signed with the certificate.
- 包存儲區表示Integration Services服務管理的文件系統位置中的文件夾。The package store represents the folders in the file system location that the Integration Services service manages.
- "而且,據說放鞭炮還能為人們在新的一年裡帶來好運氣。"It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
- "人們相信一場新的經濟危機可能再次席捲全球,但是我們希望它不要發生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 控制項中創建新行時發生。Occurs when a new row is created in the.
- 複製時處理應用了不同許可權的文件夾的方式在深層次結構中更有效。The way that replication handles folders that have different permissions applied to them is more efficient in deep hierarchies.
- "你砸壞的鎖得花七鎊去換一個新的。" "去你媽的!" 我對他伸了伸兩個指頭說道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 在悠久的歷史長河中人類逐漸脫離野蠻狀態而進入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 請選擇驅動器,然後選擇要共享的文件夾。要創建新文件夾,請選擇驅動器,然後輸入新名稱。Please select a drive and then the folder you wish to share. To create a new folder, select the drive and then type the new name.
- (君主參加的新的一屆)國會會議開幕式The ceremony in which the sovereign opens a new session of Parliament
- 馬丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段尋求平等的過程中樹立了許多敵人。Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
- 對象的成員,這意味著您可以在其中任何上下文中創建一個表。Objects, which means that you can create a table in any of those contexts.
- 30多名黨員已經退出了從前的黨,成立了一個新的獨立的黨。Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
- 對象時,不創建新記錄集。Object, no new recordset is created.
- "任何一種個人的業餘愛好,如體育活動,音樂,集郵等等在他的生活中從未有過地位。""Any personal hobbies such as sports, music and collecting stamps never had a place in his life."
- 在創建新工作簿時發生。Occurs when a new workbook is created.
- 創建一新的部門the creation of a new department
- 給出一個設計目標,在一個JSP頁面中創建自定義標籤結構來實現該設計目標。Given a design goal, create the custom tag structure in a JSP page to support that goal.
- 嚮導無法創建新文件夾。The wizard was unable to create the new folder.